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FCHH Hardware / INTERFACER - OSH Build Workshops / Upcyling stool and side table furniture
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalThis repository contains all files to build an upcyling stool and side table furniture made of discarded scaffold planks and plastic beams made of recycled waste.
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test Mantest / economic governance when fab city os is a successs
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalUpdated -
Vobruba Robin / Libre Solar Box 360 Wh
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly ReciprocalThis repository contains all files to build a mobile solar power station based on Libre Solar open hardware.
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The Fab City Index, first conceived by Fab City Paris, is a tool for assessing a city's capacities for production of things needed, with a score between 0 (no production) and 100 (fully self-sufficient production according to the 2054 target).
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Johannes Hoelzel / HyperCube 3d-printer parameterized
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalBuild your own invidual HyperCube Evolution 3D-printer in just seconds in any size you want.
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This docker image extends kibot_auto with the following tools: projvar, kicad text and image injector.
The aim is to make all of these more easily accessible and build workflows, like pre-commit hooks or CI
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Bastian Große / voting-tool
MIT LicenseA web application to vote and rank ideas, e.g. for innovation challenges. Dev Deployment: https://dev.hosting170690.ae864.netcup.net/
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FCHH Hardware / INTERFACER - OSH Build Workshops / OSH-DINSPEC3105 Template
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalThis template provides a standardized folderstructure. If you fork and build your project on top of it you will:
help FCOS to do evaluation on you repository support FCOS to do user Research on your repository work towards many values that brought up this standard, such as: streamlining, access in areas of little internet connection, linter/parser compatabilityUpdated -
Open Toolchain Foundation / Toolchain
MIT LicenseCollection for Tools and Software for OSH development and production as well as their respective communities
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Vobruba Robin / OSH-DINSPEC3105 Template
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalThis template provides a standardized folderstructure. If you fork and build your project on top of it you will:
help FCOS to do evaluation on you repository support FCOS to do user Research on your repository work towards many values that brought up this standard, such as: streamlining, access in areas of little internet connection, linter/parser compatabilityUpdated -
how to use - ticketing for queries & suggestions around GitLab structure in general & best practices
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Vertikale Beete helfen die Stadt zu verschönern und schaffen Lebensräume für Tiere. Dieses Repository enthält die dafür nötigen Herstellungsinformationen