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Source code and content for https://openlab.hamburg/
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A web application to vote and rank ideas, e.g. for innovation challenges. Dev Deployment: https://dev.hosting170690.ae864.netcup.net/
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This is a template for the Astro static site generator. Clone this repository, modify the content and start your own website using the FCOS Suite look & feel. http://main.dev-astro.fabcity.hamburg/
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React and Mapbox based frontend component to show a map of relevant locations inside of a Fab City. https://dev.fabcity.hamburg/fcos-suite-map/main/
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[DEPRECATED] Old repository for FCHH website. Please use the new content repo at https://gitlab.fabcity.hamburg/software/fchh-website-content
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React-based UI components available as a npm package to be reused by multiple projects. Component Gallery: https://dev.fabcity.hamburg/fcos-suite-ui/main/
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The website for the Interfacer project built with the Astro static site generator, React and Tailwind CSS. www.interfacerproject.eu
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A web application to vote and rank ideas, e.g. for innovation challenges. Dev Deployment: https://dev.hosting170690.ae864.netcup.net/