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  • fcos-suite/fcos-suite-map
1 result
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with 646 additions and 145 deletions
......@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ import { useMap, useMapEvent } from 'react-leaflet';
import { useStore } from '../../hooks';
interface Props {
center: LatLngTuple;
zoom: number;
bounds: Array<LatLngTuple>;
createPoiMode?: boolean;
const MapViewController: React.FC<Props> = ({ center, zoom, createPoiMode }) => {
const MapViewController: React.FC<Props> = ({ bounds, createPoiMode }) => {
const setDraftPoi = useStore((state) => state.setDraftPoi);
const map = useMap();
......@@ -20,8 +19,8 @@ const MapViewController: React.FC<Props> = ({ center, zoom, createPoiMode }) =>
useEffect(() => {
map.setView(center, zoom);
}, [center, zoom]);
map.fitBounds(bounds, { maxZoom: 16 });
}, [bounds]);
return <></>;
......@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ import React from 'react';
import { CheckCircleOutline as CheckIcon, X as XIcon, ExclamationOutline as AlertIcon } from 'heroicons-react';
import { useStore } from '../hooks';
interface Props {}
const Notification: React.FC<Props> = () => {
const Notification: React.FC = () => {
const notification = useStore((state) => state.notification);
const setNotification = useStore((state) => state.setNotification);
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { usePoiData, useStore } from '../hooks';
interface Props {
poiId: string | null;
const PoiLoader: React.FC<Props> = ({ poiId }) => {
const { data } = usePoiData();
const setSelectedPoi = useStore((state) => state.setSelectedPoi);
useEffect(() => {
if (data && poiId !== undefined) {
const poi = poiId ? data.find((poi) => String( === poiId) : null;
if (poi !== undefined) setSelectedPoi(poi);
}, [data, poiId]);
return <></>;
export default PoiLoader;
import React from 'react';
import type { Theme } from 'react-select';
import ReactSelect, { NamedProps, StylesConfig, components } from 'react-select';
import Tag from './Tag';
const Option = ({ children, data, }: { children: any; data: any }) => {
return (
// @ts-expect-error: Not typed yet
<components.Option {}>
<Tag color={data.value.color}>{children}</Tag>
const Select = <OptionType, isMulti extends boolean>(props: NamedProps<OptionType, isMulti>): JSX.Element => {
const customStyles: StylesConfig<OptionType, isMulti> = {
control: (provided) => ({ ...provided, border: '0', borderRadius: '0.5em' }),
multiValue: (provided, state) => ({
// @ts-expect-error: Not typed yet
backgroundColor: state?.data?.value?.color || 'grey',
borderRadius: '999px',
padding: '0 3px',
multiValueRemove: (provided) => ({
color: 'hsl(0, 0%, 50%)',
'&:hover': { backgroundColor: 'initial', color: 'black' },
return (
theme={(theme): Theme => ({
// @ts-expect-error: ThemeConfig type from definitely-typed is not complete
borderRadius: '0.5em',
colors: {
primary25: '#C7D2FE',
placeholder={'Tags auswählen...'}
className="hover:border-opacity-40 rounded-lg w-full border-2 border-black border-opacity-20 focus-within:border-indigo-300 focus-within:ring focus-within:ring-indigo-200 focus-within:ring-opacity-50 mt-1"
export default Select;
import React, { SyntheticEvent } from 'react';
import { X as CloseIcon } from 'heroicons-react';
interface Props {
onClick: (event: SyntheticEvent) => void;
absolute?: boolean;
const CloseButton: React.FC<Props> = ({ onClick, absolute = false }) => {
return (
absolute ? 'absolute left-5 top-5' : ''
} p-1 text-gray-600 inline-block cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 bg-opacity-30 hover:bg-opacity-80 rounded-full`}
export default CloseButton;
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const ListElement: React.FC<Props> = ({ value, hovered, ...restProps }) => {
className={`border-2 border-black border-opacity-20 ${
hovered ? 'border-opacity-40' : 'hover:border-opacity-40'
} cursor-pointer rounded-lg md:overflow-hidden mx-4 my-2`}
} cursor-pointer rounded-lg mx-4 my-2`}
<div className="p-3">
<h2 className="tracking-widest text-xs uppercase title-font font-medium text-gray-400 mb-1">
import { X as CloseIcon } from 'heroicons-react';
import React from 'react';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import AddPoiForm from '../Form/AddPoiForm';
import CloseButton from './CloseButton';
import SidebarContainer from './SidebarContainer';
interface Props {}
const SidebarCreateView: React.FC<Props> = () => {
const SidebarCreateView: React.FC = () => {
const history = useHistory();
return (
<SidebarContainer className="p-5">
className={`flex-shrink-0 left-5 top-5 p-1 text-gray-500 inline-block cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-300 hover:bg-opacity-50 rounded-full`}
onClick={() => history.push('/')}
<h1 className="text-xl font-medium title-font text-gray-900 my-2">Neuen Ort anlegen:</h1>
<CloseButton onClick={() => history.push('/')} />
<h1 className="text-xl font-medium title-font text-gray-900 mt-2 mb-4">Neuen Ort anlegen:</h1>
<AddPoiForm />
import React from 'react';
import { usePoiData, useStore } from '../../hooks';
import ListElement from './ListElement';
import SidebarContainer from './SidebarContainer';
interface Props {}
const SidebarListView: React.FC<Props> = () => {
const { data } = usePoiData();
const hoveredPoi = useStore((state) => state.hoveredPoi);
const setHoveredPoi = useStore((state) => state.setHoveredPoi);
const setSelectedPoi = useStore((state) => state.setSelectedPoi);
return (
<h1 className="text-xl font-medium title-font m-4 text-gray-900 mb-2">{data?.length} Orte:</h1>
{data?.map((poi) => (
onMouseEnter={() => setHoveredPoi(poi)}
onMouseLeave={() => setHoveredPoi(null)}
onClick={() => setSelectedPoi(poi)}
hovered={hoveredPoi?.id ===}
export default SidebarListView;
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { usePoiData, useStore } from '../../hooks';
import ListElement from './ListElement';
import SidebarContainer from './SidebarContainer';
import { removeDuplicateObjects } from '../../util/array';
import { useFilteredPoiData } from '../../hooks/useFilteredPoiData';
import type { Tag } from '../../types/PointOfInterest';
import { FilterOutline as FilterIcon } from 'heroicons-react';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import Select from '../Select';
const SidebarListView: React.FC = () => {
const tagsToSelectOptions = (tags?: Tag[]) => tags?.map((tag) => ({ label: tag.displayName, value: tag }));
const history = useHistory();
const { data } = usePoiData();
const { data: filteredData, filterTags, setFilterTags } = useFilteredPoiData();
const hoveredPoi = useStore((state) => state.hoveredPoi);
const setHoveredPoi = useStore((state) => state.setHoveredPoi);
const [filterInputIsOpen, setFilterInputIsOpen] = useState(false);
const tags =
data &&
data?.flatMap((poi) => poi.tags),
const options = tagsToSelectOptions(tags);
return (
<div className="flex-col m-4 mb-2 pb-2 border-black border-opacity-20 border-b-2">
<div className="flex justify-between items-center">
<h1 className="text-xl font-medium title-font text-gray-900">{filteredData?.length} Orte:</h1>
onClick={() => setFilterInputIsOpen(!filterInputIsOpen)}
className="text-black text-opacity-20 hover:text-opacity-60 w-5 h-5 cursor-pointer"
{filterInputIsOpen && (
<div className="py-2">
value={filterTags && tagsToSelectOptions(filterTags)}
onChange={(selectedOptions) => setFilterTags( => opt.value))}
{filteredData?.map((poi) => (
onMouseEnter={() => setHoveredPoi(poi)}
onMouseLeave={() => setHoveredPoi(null)}
onClick={() => {
hovered={hoveredPoi?.id ===}
export default SidebarListView;
import { HomeOutline as HomeIcon, LocationMarkerOutline as AddressIcon, X as CloseIcon } from 'heroicons-react';
import {
HomeOutline as HomeIcon,
LocationMarkerOutline as AddressIcon,
UserGroupOutline as RealtionStatusIcon,
} from 'heroicons-react';
import React from 'react';
import { useStore } from '../../hooks';
import SidebarContainer from './SidebarContainer';
import Tag from './Tag';
import Tag from '../Tag';
import CloseButton from './CloseButton';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
interface Props {}
const SidebarSingleView: React.FC<Props> = () => {
const SidebarSingleView: React.FC = () => {
const selectedPoi = useStore((state) => state.selectedPoi);
const setSelectedPoi = useStore((state) => state.setSelectedPoi);
const strippedUrl = selectedPoi?.website?.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//, '');
const history = useHistory();
return (
<SidebarContainer className={`relative p-0`}>
<div className={`${selectedPoi?.image ? '' : 'pl-5 pt-5 '}`}>
selectedPoi?.image ? 'absolute left-5 top-5 ' : ''
}p-1 text-gray-500 inline-block cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-300 hover:bg-opacity-50 rounded-full`}
onClick={() => setSelectedPoi(null)}
onClick={() => {
{selectedPoi?.image && (
<img className="lg:h-48 md:h-36 w-full object-cover object-center" src={selectedPoi?.image} alt="blog" />
className="lg:h-48 md:h-36 w-full object-cover object-center"
<div className="p-6">
<h2 className="tracking-widest uppercase text-xs title-font font-medium text-gray-400 mb-1">
......@@ -34,7 +41,12 @@ const SidebarSingleView: React.FC<Props> = () => {
{selectedPoi?.website && (
<div className={'flex items-center'}>
<HomeIcon size={18} className={'text-gray-500 mr-2'} />
<a className={'text-sm text-gray-500 hover:underline'} href={selectedPoi?.website}>
rel="noopener noreferrer"
className={'text-sm text-gray-500 hover:underline'}
......@@ -45,8 +57,14 @@ const SidebarSingleView: React.FC<Props> = () => {
<div className="text-sm text-gray-500">{selectedPoi?.address}</div>
{!!selectedPoi?.tags?.length && (
{selectedPoi?.relationStatus && (
<div className={'flex items-center mt-3'}>
<RealtionStatusIcon size={18} className={'text-gray-500 mr-2'} />
<div className="text-sm text-gray-500">{selectedPoi?.relationStatus}</div>
{!!selectedPoi?.tags?.length && (
<div className={'flex items-center mt-3 flex-wrap'}>
{selectedPoi? => (
<Tag key={} color={tag.color}>
import React from 'react';
interface Props {
children: string | JSX.Element;
color?: string;
const Tag: React.FC<Props> = ({ children, color }) => {
return (
className="inline-flex items-center px-3 py-0.5 rounded-full text-sm font-medium bg-indigo-100 text-indigo-800 mr-2"
style={color ? { backgroundColor: color } : {}}
export default Tag;
import React from 'react';
const Spinner: React.FC = () => {
return (
className="animate-spin -ml-1 mr-3 h-5 w-5 text-white"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<circle className="opacity-25" cx="12" cy="12" r="10" stroke="currentColor" strokeWidth="4"></circle>
d="M4 12a8 8 0 018-8V0C5.373 0 0 5.373 0 12h4zm2 5.291A7.962 7.962 0 014 12H0c0 3.042 1.135 5.824 3 7.938l3-2.647z"
export default Spinner;
......@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ import { SWRConfig } from 'swr';
import { useStore } from '../hooks';
import fetcher from '../util/fetcher';
interface Props {}
const SwrWrapper: React.FC<Props> = ({ children }) => {
const SwrWrapper: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
const setError = useStore((state) => state.setError);
const error = useStore((state) => state.error);
return (
......@@ -19,6 +18,10 @@ const SwrWrapper: React.FC<Props> = ({ children }) => {
console.error('Error while fetching', error);
onSuccess: () => {
// Reset error modal
if (error) setError(null);
import React from 'react';
import { X as CloseIcon } from 'heroicons-react';
interface Props {
children: string | JSX.Element;
color?: string;
onClick?: () => void;
onClickDelete?: () => void;
const Tag: React.FC<Props> = ({ children, onClick, onClickDelete, color = 'pink' }) => {
return (
onClick ? 'cursor-pointer ' : ''
}inline-flex flex-nowrap items-center px-2 py-0.5 m-0.5 rounded-full text-sm font-medium bg-indigo-100 text-indigo-800 mr-2 whitespace-nowrap`}
style={color ? { backgroundColor: color } : {}}
{onClickDelete && (
className="ml-0.5 inline-block cursor-pointer text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-800"
export default Tag;
import type { GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request';
import type * as Dom from 'graphql-request/dist/types.dom';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export type Maybe<T> = T | null;
export type Exact<T extends { [key: string]: unknown }> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] };
export type MakeOptional<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe<T[SubKey]> };
export type MakeMaybe<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe<T[SubKey]> };
/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */
export type Scalars = {
ID: string;
String: string;
Boolean: boolean;
Int: number;
Float: number;
/** A date string with format `Y-m-d`, e.g. `2011-05-23`. */
Date: any;
/** A datetime string with format `Y-m-d H:i:s`, e.g. `2018-05-23 13:43:32`. */
DateTime: any;
/** Can be used as an argument to upload files using */
Upload: any;
export type Mutation = {
__typename?: 'Mutation';
createPoi?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
createTags?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Tag>>>;
export type MutationCreatePoiArgs = {
poi: PoiInput;
export type MutationCreateTagsArgs = {
tags: Array<TagInput>;
export type Poi = {
__typename?: 'POI';
id: Scalars['ID'];
lat: Scalars['Float'];
lng: Scalars['Float'];
name: Scalars['String'];
published: Scalars['Boolean'];
website?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
description?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
address: Scalars['String'];
image: Scalars['String'];
category: Scalars['String'];
relationStatus: Scalars['String'];
tags?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Tag>>>;
created_at?: Maybe<Scalars['DateTime']>;
updated_at?: Maybe<Scalars['DateTime']>;
export type PoiInput = {
name: Scalars['String'];
email: Scalars['String'];
lat: Scalars['Float'];
lng: Scalars['Float'];
website?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
description?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
address: Scalars['String'];
category: Scalars['String'];
relationStatus: Scalars['String'];
image: Scalars['Upload'];
tagIds?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Scalars['ID']>>>;
/** Pagination information about the corresponding list of items. */
export type PageInfo = {
__typename?: 'PageInfo';
/** When paginating forwards, are there more items? */
hasNextPage: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** When paginating backwards, are there more items? */
hasPreviousPage: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. */
startCursor?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. */
endCursor?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Total number of node in connection. */
total?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Count of nodes in current request. */
count?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Current page of request. */
currentPage?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Last page in connection. */
lastPage?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Pagination information about the corresponding list of items. */
export type PaginatorInfo = {
__typename?: 'PaginatorInfo';
/** Total count of available items in the page. */
count: Scalars['Int'];
/** Current pagination page. */
currentPage: Scalars['Int'];
/** Index of first item in the current page. */
firstItem?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** If collection has more pages. */
hasMorePages: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** Index of last item in the current page. */
lastItem?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Last page number of the collection. */
lastPage: Scalars['Int'];
/** Number of items per page in the collection. */
perPage: Scalars['Int'];
/** Total items available in the collection. */
total: Scalars['Int'];
export type Query = {
__typename?: 'Query';
pois?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Poi>>>;
poi?: Maybe<Poi>;
export type QueryPoiArgs = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>;
export type Tag = {
__typename?: 'Tag';
id: Scalars['ID'];
displayName: Scalars['String'];
color: Scalars['String'];
created_at?: Maybe<Scalars['DateTime']>;
updated_at?: Maybe<Scalars['DateTime']>;
export type TagInput = {
displayName: Scalars['String'];
color: Scalars['String'];
export type User = {
__typename?: 'User';
id: Scalars['ID'];
name: Scalars['String'];
email: Scalars['String'];
created_at: Scalars['DateTime'];
updated_at: Scalars['DateTime'];
export type CreatePoiMutationMutationVariables = Exact<{
name: Scalars['String'];
email: Scalars['String'];
lat: Scalars['Float'];
lng: Scalars['Float'];
website?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
description?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
address: Scalars['String'];
category: Scalars['String'];
relationStatus: Scalars['String'];
image: Scalars['Upload'];
tagIds?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Scalars['ID']>> | Maybe<Scalars['ID']>>;
export type CreatePoiMutationMutation = (
{ __typename?: 'Mutation' }
& Pick<Mutation, 'createPoi'>
export type CreateTagsMutationMutationVariables = Exact<{
tags: Array<TagInput> | TagInput;
export type CreateTagsMutationMutation = (
{ __typename?: 'Mutation' }
& { createTags?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<(
{ __typename?: 'Tag' }
& Pick<Tag, 'id'>
)>>> }
export const CreatePoiMutationDocument = gql`
mutation createPoiMutation($name: String!, $email: String!, $lat: Float!, $lng: Float!, $website: String, $description: String, $address: String!, $category: String!, $relationStatus: String!, $image: Upload!, $tagIds: [ID]) {
poi: {name: $name, email: $email, lat: $lat, lng: $lng, website: $website, description: $description, address: $address, category: $category, relationStatus: $relationStatus, image: $image, tagIds: $tagIds}
export const CreateTagsMutationDocument = gql`
mutation createTagsMutation($tags: [TagInput!]!) {
createTags(tags: $tags) {
export type SdkFunctionWrapper = <T>(action: (requestHeaders?:Record<string, string>) => Promise<T>, operationName: string) => Promise<T>;
const defaultWrapper: SdkFunctionWrapper = (action, _operationName) => action();
export function getSdk(client: GraphQLClient, withWrapper: SdkFunctionWrapper = defaultWrapper) {
return {
createPoiMutation(variables: CreatePoiMutationMutationVariables, requestHeaders?: Dom.RequestInit["headers"]): Promise<CreatePoiMutationMutation> {
return withWrapper((wrappedRequestHeaders) => client.request<CreatePoiMutationMutation>(CreatePoiMutationDocument, variables, {...requestHeaders, ...wrappedRequestHeaders}), 'createPoiMutation');
createTagsMutation(variables: CreateTagsMutationMutationVariables, requestHeaders?: Dom.RequestInit["headers"]): Promise<CreateTagsMutationMutation> {
return withWrapper((wrappedRequestHeaders) => client.request<CreateTagsMutationMutation>(CreateTagsMutationDocument, variables, {...requestHeaders, ...wrappedRequestHeaders}), 'createTagsMutation');
export type Sdk = ReturnType<typeof getSdk>;
\ No newline at end of file
import { gql } from 'graphql-request';
export const createPoi = gql`
mutation createPoiMutation(
$name: String!
$email: String!
$lat: Float!
$lng: Float!
$website: String
$description: String
$address: String!
$category: String!
$relationStatus: String!
$image: Upload!
$tagIds: [ID]
) {
poi: {
name: $name
email: $email
lat: $lat
lng: $lng
website: $website
description: $description
address: $address
category: $category
relationStatus: $relationStatus
image: $image
tagIds: $tagIds
export const createTags = gql`
mutation createTagsMutation($tags: [TagInput!]!) {
createTags(tags: $tags) {
import type { poiData } from './usePoiData';
import { usePoiData } from './usePoiData';
import { useStore } from './useStore';
import type { Tag } from '../types/PointOfInterest';
export interface poiFilteredData extends poiData {
filterTags: Tag[] | null;
setFilterTags: (tags: Tag[]) => void;
filterCategories: string[];
setFilterCategories: (categories: string[]) => void;
export const useFilteredPoiData = (): poiFilteredData => {
const { data } = usePoiData();
const filterTags = useStore((store) => store.filterTags);
const setFilterTags = useStore((state) => state.setFilterTags);
const filterCategories = useStore((store) => store.filterCategories);
const setFilterCategories = useStore((state) => state.setFilterCategories);
let filteredData = data;
if (filterTags?.length) {
filteredData = filteredData?.filter(
(poi) => !filterTags.filter((fTag) => !poi.tags.find((tag) => ===,
if (filterCategories?.length) {
filteredData = filteredData?.filter((poi) => !!filterCategories.find((category) => poi.category === category));
return {
data: filteredData,
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import type { PointsOfInterestDTO } from 'src/types/PointOfInterest';
import type { PointOfInterest, PointsOfInterestDTO } from 'src/types/PointOfInterest';
import useSWR from 'swr';
export const usePoiData = () => {
export interface poiData {
data: PointOfInterest[] | undefined;
export const usePoiData = (): poiData => {
const { data } = useSWR<PointsOfInterestDTO>(
pois {
......@@ -15,6 +18,7 @@ export const usePoiData = () => {
tags {
......@@ -26,9 +30,5 @@ export const usePoiData = () => {
useEffect(() => {
console.log('Got data', data);
}, [data]);
return { data: data?.pois };
import type { Error } from 'src/types/Error';
import type { PointOfInterest } from 'src/types/PointOfInterest';
import type { PointOfInterest, Tag } from 'src/types/PointOfInterest';
import type { Notification } from 'src/types/Notification';
import type { LatLngTuple } from 'leaflet';
import create, { GetState, SetState, State, StateCreator, StoreApi } from 'zustand';
import create, { State } from 'zustand';
import { devtools } from 'zustand/middleware';
interface Store extends State {
selectedPoi: PointOfInterest | null;
......@@ -15,23 +16,27 @@ interface Store extends State {
setDraftPoi: (latLng: LatLngTuple | null) => void;
notification: Notification | null;
setNotification: (notification: Notification | null) => void;
filterTags: Tag[];
setFilterTags: (tags: Tag[]) => void;
filterCategories: string[];
setFilterCategories: (categories: string[]) => void;
const log = (config: StateCreator<Store>) => (set: SetState<Store>, get: GetState<Store>, api: StoreApi<Store>) =>
(args) => {'Global state changed');
console.log('%cAction:', 'color: #00A7F7; font-weight: 700;', args);
console.log('%cNext State:', 'color: #47B04B; font-weight: 700;', get());
// const log = (config: StateCreator<Store>) => (set: SetState<Store>, get: GetState<Store>, api: StoreApi<Store>) =>
// config(
// (args) => {
//'Global state changed');
// console.log('%cAction:', 'color: #00A7F7; font-weight: 700;', args);
// set(args);
// console.log('%cNext State:', 'color: #47B04B; font-weight: 700;', get());
// console.groupEnd();
// },
// get,
// api,
// );
export const useStore = create<Store>(
log((set) => ({
devtools((set) => ({
selectedPoi: null,
setSelectedPoi: (poi) => {
......@@ -58,5 +63,13 @@ export const useStore = create<Store>(
setNotification: (notification) => {
set({ notification });
filterTags: [],
setFilterTags: (tags) => {
set({ filterTags: tags });
filterCategories: [],
setFilterCategories: (categories) => {
set({ filterCategories: categories });
......@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ code {
.sidebar {
flex: 3;
flex-basis: 40%;
overflow-y: auto;
max-height: 50vh;
flex-shrink: 0;
.leaflet-control-container {
......@@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ code {
@screen md {
.sidebar {
flex: 1;
min-width: 250px;
flex-basis: 30vw;
min-width: 300px;
max-width: 500px;
max-height: initial;
......@@ -54,10 +55,24 @@ code {
.form-input {
.form-input-custom {
@apply mt-1 block w-full rounded-lg border-2 border-black border-opacity-20 hover:border-opacity-40 focus:border-indigo-300 focus:ring focus:ring-indigo-200 focus:ring-opacity-50;
.form-label {
@apply leading-7 text-sm text-gray-600;
@apply leading-none text-sm text-gray-600;
.form-button {
@apply mt-2 flex justify-center items-center text-white bg-indigo-500 border-0 py-2 px-6 focus:outline-none hover:bg-indigo-600 rounded-lg text-lg disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default disabled:hover:bg-indigo-500;
.input-chevron {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' fill='none' viewBox='0 0 20 20'%3e%3cpath stroke='%236b7280' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.5' d='M6 8l4 4 4-4'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
background-position: right 0.5rem center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 1.5em 1.5em;
padding-right: 2.5rem;
-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
color-adjust: exact;
export interface PointOfInterestBase {
lat: number;
lng: number;
name: string;
description: string;
address: string;
website: string;
category: string;
export interface PointOfInterest extends PointOfInterestBase {
id: number;
image?: string;
tags: Tag[];
export interface PointOfInterestFormData extends PointOfInterestBase {
email: string;
image: File | null;
tags: string;
export interface Tag {
id: string;
displayName: string;
color: string;
export interface PointsOfInterestDTO {
pois: PointOfInterest[];
export interface PointOfInterestBase {
lat: number;
lng: number;
name: string;
description: string;
address: string;
website: string;
category: string;
relationStatus: string;
export interface PointOfInterest extends PointOfInterestBase {
id: number;
image?: string;
tags: Tag[];
export interface PointOfInterestFormData extends PointOfInterestBase {
email: string;
image: File | null;
tags: number[];
export interface Tag {
id: string;
displayName: string;
color: string;
export interface PointsOfInterestDTO {
pois: PointOfInterest[];