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layout: "@layouts/ArticleLayout.astro"
title: Members
order: 4
subtitle: Collectively for Hamburg
headerImage: /images/fchh/members/fabcityhamburg-members-hero.jpg
headerImageAlt: Vereinsmitglieder Collage
teaser: "For the 'Vision 2054', the Fab City Hamburg e.V. would like to network as many actors as possible relevant to the concept and lay the first foundations for a future Fab City. Currently, 29 Hamburg organizations from local labs and workshops to start-ups, universities and other public bodies are involved as members of the association."
## Types of Membership
According to the statutes, there are two types of members: §8.6 'Ordinary members are entitled to speak, submit motions and vote. Extraordinary members are entitled to speak and submit motions, but have no voting rights.'
text="Association Statutes"
Only legal persons can become ordinary members. Currently, these come from three areas:
- Local labs and workshops (e.g. Fabulous Lab St. Pauli, Welcome Werkstatt, ...)
- Start-Ups from the Fab Lab Community (e.g. Libre Solar, XYZ, ...)
- Public bodies (e.g. Kreativgesellschaft, HSU, ...)
The membership application is currently being developed further and will be published here once it is complete. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact [Karen Löhnert](de/contact) directly.
## Members of Fab City Hamburg e.V.
<Accordion title="105 VIERTEL HAMBURG gGmbH" id="members" client:only="react">
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Together with the TüftelLab, 105 VIERTEL offers various project days for school classes. Children and young people gain an insight into sustainability issues and develop ideas with the help of digital tools. This provides easy and playful access to digital education and making. In addition, changing exhibitions and interactive exhibits await you every day on the 4th floor of Jupiter. Open formats are also organized there from time to time; advance registration is only necessary in some cases. Apart from these events, the workshop is currently only open by appointment. However, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. you will find a contact person in our space if you want to talk about your project in person.
<Button icon="Launch" text="105 VIERTEL" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo_105viertel.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="3Dstrong Gmbh" id="members" client:only="react">
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3Dstrong is a 3D printing startup from Hamburg with know-how about CFRP applications in aircraft construction, the wind industry and the maritime industry. 3D Strong draws on many years of experience in the development and application of fiber-reinforced plastics. Under the tagline "Light, strong and intelligent - there's more in our components", 3D Strong wants to anchor 3D printing in the maritime industry.
<Button icon="Launch" text="3Dstrong" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-3dstrong_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Attraktor e.V." id="members" client:only="react">
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The Makerspace Attractor e.V. has been a meeting point for inventors, hobbyists and all technology enthusiasts in Hamburg-Altona since 2010. Wood, metal, sewing and electronics workshops can be used here on an area of 300 square meters. For example, the wood workshop has a large portal milling machine, the metal workshop has an FP-1 milling machine, small lathes, a laser cutter and a circuit board milling machine. In the sewing workshop, club members and guests can work creatively with textiles and try out a foil plotter or a T-shirt press, among other things. There is also a lecture area that can be used for events, projects and workshops. The aim of the association's work is to promote science, research and education - made possible by an open workshop and regular events.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Attraktor" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-attraktor_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Code for Hamburg e.V." id="members" client:only="react">
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Since 2014, the Code for Hamburg association has been enthusiastic about open knowledge, programming and experimenting with everything that open data can provide. There are workshops for young and old, and supports other clubs in their digital tasks.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Code für Hamburg e.V." newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-code4hamburg_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Curious Community Labs e.V." id="members" client:only="react">
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The Curious Community Labs are open laboratories for biotechnology and bioeconomy in the heart of Hamburg. Just as a fab lab focuses on computer-aided production, the Curious Community Lab aims to apply this approach to biology and the environment in order to better understand the bigger picture and create sustainable solutions based on that.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Curious Community Labs" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-curious_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)" id="members" client:only="react">
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For innovative product ideas from the deep-tech sector, the Makerspace of the DESY Innovation Factory offers 120m2 of experimental space for 3D printing, mechanics and electronics. Prototypes can be developed and tested for their feasibility in reality there. The offer is aimed at (pre-)founders, start-ups & scale-ups and can be used for transfer & collaboration projects.
<Button icon="Launch" text="DESY Innovation Factory" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo_desy.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli e.V." id="members" client:only="react">
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In 2011 Fabulous St. Pauli founded the first Fab Lab in Hamburg on St. Pauli. The non-profit association offers the Fab Lab-typical equipment and a community that has grown over the years, from which various other labs and projects in Hamburg have already been initiated. The Fab Lab is open to the public on the weekly Open Lab Day and to members all days. It is currently located in the Oberhafen district in Hall 413.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli e.V." newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-fabulousstpauil_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Goldschmiede Killinger GbR" id="members" client:only="react">
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Enrique Killinger from Goldschmiede Killinger is happy to support Fab City Hamburg with his technical skills. Precise work with metals, wood and other materials is part of everyday craftsmanship. An aesthetic demand is placed on every workpiece. As a member of Precious Plastic Hamburg, future orientation and the conscious use of resources in the city are very important to Enrique.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Goldschmiede Killinger" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-goldschmiedekillinger_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Hamburg Centre of Aviation Training HCAT+ e.V." id="members" client:only="react">
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Since it was founded by Senate resolution in November 2014, the Hamburg Center of Aviation Training – Lab (HCAT+) e.V. has been developing, coordinating and supporting projects in the field of aviation education. The association is particularly concerned with the work organization and qualification implications of new technologies. The HCAT+ is an instrument of the Hamburg Authority for Economics, Transport and Innovation and acts as a moderator of the 'Personnel and Qualifications' pillar in the aviation cluster Hamburg Aviation. Its members cover the entire education chain in aviation, from the local anchor companies Airbus and Lufthansa Technik to medium-sized aviation companies, the supplying industry to the local universities and the city's partners in vocational training.
<Button icon="Launch" text="HCAT Plus" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-hcatplus_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft mbH" id="members" client:only="react">
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Since 2010, the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft, as an institution of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, has been the roof, space and contact point for all actors from the creative industries. The company offers a wide range of workshops, lectures and events as well as support in the form of individual advice, coaching and crowdfunding. In addition, the company supports creative people in the financing of and the search for workspaces. As a key point for artists, developers and founders of all kinds, the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft, especially with its in-house Cross Innovation Hub, provides impulse for the exchange and change of perspective in the Hamburg creative industry.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-hamburgkreativgesellschaft_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="HIWW Hamburg Institute for Knowledge Management and Value Creation Systematics UG" id="members" client:only="react">
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The HIWW is an interdisciplinary innovation consultancy founded in 2015. The institute supports organizations with innovative methods and management approaches in the development fields of open production (networked production, urban manufacturing, maker spaces, fab labs, additive manufacturing, modular production systems), open innovation (idea competitions, community building and mass collaboration), open knowledge (knowledge and cooperation management, digital learning and open educational resources).
<Button icon="Launch" text="HIWW" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-hiww_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Hamburg Climate Protection Foundation" id="members" client:only="react">
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The Hamburg Climate Protection Foundation for Education and Sustainability, founded in 2008, provides answers to the question of how we can effectively integrate climate protection into our everyday lives. The focus is on the operation of the Hamburg environmental center Gut Karlshöhe. Surrounded by nature, the foundation organizes experience-based events there in tried and tested cooperation with other associations, which raise awareness of the sustainable use of natural resources.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Hamburger Klimaschutzstiftung" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-hamburgerklimaschutzstiftung_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg" id="members" client:only="react">
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The research group value creation systematics in the mechanical engineering department has been dealing with value creation in the bottom-up economy at the Helmut Schmidt University since 2009. As part of applied research, the Open Lab (Open Source Fab Lab) was founded in 2016 and the initiative to make Hamburg a Fab City was taken in 2019.
<Button icon="Launch" text="HSU LaFT" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<Button icon="Launch" text="OpenLab" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-hsu_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="HoFaLab e.V." id="members" client:only="react">
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The HoFaLab has been 'Your Fab Lab in Wilhelmsburg' since 2019, a place for creative production and artistic research. The HoFaLab eV. is aimed at (media) artists, hobbyists and anyone interested who wants to learn how to use technology in everyday life in a self-determined and responsible manner. To this end, we promote the acquisition of new technologies and production methods in the neighborhood in workshops. The focus is on the shared experience of the application and the HoFaLab as a contact point for people with and without expertise.
<Button icon="Launch" text="HoFaLab" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-hofalab_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="House of All UG" id="members" client:only="react">
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House of All is a community-driven, circular fashion model that allows people to participate globally in the design process and then buy or subscribe to locally made clothing. The House of All is developing software that can be used to design clothing without specialized knowledge. An asset management tool allows the production processes to be implemented in regional production. This principle (cosmo-local production) promotes local value creation and the use of clothing in regional groups.
<Button icon="Launch" text="House of All" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-houseofall_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Insel e.V." id="members" client:only="react">
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The open recycling workshop from insel e.V. has been in Elbgaustrasse since May 2022. 244 in Lurup. One focus of the workshop meeting is the recycling and upcycling of plastic and an inclusive FabLab for people with and without disabilities.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Insel e.V." newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-inselev_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="KEBAP" id="members" client:only="react">
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The KulturEnergieBunkerAltonaProject wants to create spaces for culture in the high-rise bunker on Schomburgstraße in Hamburg-Altona and generate decentralized energy. The structural conditions of the double bunker and its location in the residential area meet the new combination of culture and energy and at the same time meet the needs of the district.
<Button icon="Launch" text="KEBAP" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-kebap_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Kreiserei" id="members" client:only="react">
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Kreiserei GmbH, a new company founded in 2024, already has the circular economy in its name. The flea markets organized under the name Marktlust ensure that city districts are revitalized and goods are reused. UpCyclingMarkets ensure that waste is sold as a raw material in a city after further processing. More topics in preparation!
<Button icon="Launch" text="Kreiserei" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo_kreiserei.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Libre Solar Technologies GmbH" id="members" client:only="react">
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Libre Solar develops components for a renewable and decentralized energy supply as open source hardware. The schematics, boards, and associated software are available on GitHub for rebuilding, customizing, and sharing.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Libre Solar Technologie GmbH" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-libresolar_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="MOTTE – Association for district-related cultural and social work e.V." id="members" client:only="react">
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The MOTTE is a district-related association for cultural and social work in the district of Ottensen. Since 1976, the Motte has been a source of inspiration and a leisure center for children, young people and adults - with an interdisciplinary holiday and afternoon program as well as many creative events, courses and workshops. The association focuses primarily on promoting media skills, sustainability, cultural education and careers orientation.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Die Motte" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-motte_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="MycoLutions" id="members" client:only="react">
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MycoLutions develops mycelium-based materials for optimized room acoustics and energy-efficient thermal insulation. With the help of fungal mycelium, compostable panel materials are created from local waste materials that promote healthy living and working spaces without pollutants. MycoLutions is currently producing the first acoustic absorbers in its pilot plant in Hamburg.
<Button icon="Launch" text="MycoLutions" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo_mycolutions.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="regenholz GbR" id="members" client:only="react">
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René and Fynn create individual pieces of furniture from wood with the help of self-made open source machines - such as the Maslow CNC milling machine. In their workshop in Hamburg-Hamm, they digitize the craft - and the result is sustainable, stylish and unique pieces of furniture and design. They want to maintain and promote the fun of handicrafts and at the same time strengthen awareness of nature. Ideas and joy in working with wood are there for both of them to share - and they want to convey this in workshops with Fab City Hamburg, among other things!
<Button icon="Launch" text="Regenholz" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-regenholz_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Schülerforschungszentrum" id="members" client:only="react">
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Research. Experiment. Invent.
The Schülerforschungszentrum Hamburg is a place for young people who are interested in STEM and want to do research
with others or on their own. Here, they find a professional framework to engage in STEM research and creativity beyond the classroom.
The main focus is on independently getting to the bottom of their own question: Developing problems and hypotheses,
planning and evaluating experiments, developing models, and finding and critically analyzing explanations. The young
people usually work together in teams over a longer period of time and assume a high degree of personal
responsibility for their research project. The SFZ's team of dedicated and qualified supervisors helps to identify
topics, supports the work process and organizes further support in the world of science and business, without losing
sight of the young research teams' independence and personal responsibility. At the Schülerforschungszentrum Hamburg, real research on one's own questions is possible; there are hardly any limits to creativity!
<Button icon="Launch" text="Schülerforschungszentrum" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-schuelerforschungszentrum.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Süderelbe AG" id="members" client:only="react">
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Süderelbe AG is an economic and regional development company in the southern metropolitan region of Hamburg. The company focuses on promoting the Süderelbe region as a business location, strengthening leading and future-oriented industries and providing services for entrepreneurs and municipalities.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Süderelbe AG" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-suederelbeag_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="Welcome Werkstatt e.V." id="members" client:only="react">
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Since 2017, the Welcome Werkstatt from Barmbek has been the first open district workshop in East Hamburg. The association offers space, tools and good advice for its around 50 members and guests on the topics of wood and metal work, electronics and 3D printing.
<Button icon="Launch" text="Welcome Werkstatt" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-welcomewerkstatt_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="XYZ Cargo Bikes" id="members" client:only="react">
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XYZ Cargo focuses on the production of cargo bikes in local micro factories in Hamburg and Copenhagen - under socially fair and ecologically compatible conditions. Thanks to the modular XYZ design, the cargo bikes are easy to customize, light, resilient and inexpensive to manufacture.
<Button icon="Launch" text="XYZ Cargo" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-xyzcargo_2by1.svg)</div>
<Accordion title="ZRKULAR UG" id="members" client:only="react">
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ZRKULAR deals with the transition to a circular economy. To this end, the company researches materials as well as their aesthetic possibilities in everyday design. ZRKULAR develops, produces and sells sustainable, recyclable products, concepts and business models.
<Button icon="Launch" text="ZRKULAR" newTab href="" type="primary" />
<div class="fc-order-1 md:fc-order-2 fc-flex fc-justify-center">![](/images/logos/logo-zrkular_2by1.svg)</div>
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