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A more detailed "Our work" section with events and projects

Julian Stirling requested to merge OurWork into preview

Placeholder text for most of this, can't be merged yet

  • Space for events will allow us to store the pads
  • Giving things like events and funded software projects equal visibility to the toolchain research

Before merge we must

  • Decide where to put the FreeCAD funding. Probably in the software projects, but then we should change the text at the top
  • Finish/do German translations
  • Finish the events text
  • Copy all the pads to the website (only one done)
  • Copy the images/assets from the pads into the website
  • Make the pads work. This is complex because I don't want to define a title for every pad as an i18n key. Also I am not sure we want to translate the pads?
  • Sort out formatting of the software projects and events page
  • Find a way to present the report of the hackathon

@bmen I wanted to start this as I felt like it was easier to make a draft than to explain what my thoughts were. Are you happy to take this branch forward from here?

Edited by Pieter Hijma

Merge request reports