The build instructions below are divided into two parts, namely pre-assembly and final assembly. In the pre-assembly some of the sub-assmeblies or parts are either prepared or assembled together to ease the final assembly. The number in the (#) paranthesis denotes the quantity of the part required.
*** TOC ***
## Hardware
| Button Head Cap Screw (BHCS) | Socket Head Cap Screw (SHCS) | DIN 433 Washer | Teethed Idler Pulley |
| **BHCS** have a button shaped head with a hex slot and require an allen wrench | **SHCS** have a cylindrical head with a hex slot and require an allen wrench | Thin precise washers that are used as spacers between idler pulleys | Teethed idler pulley has free rolling bearings and the toothed side of a timing belt moves on it |