@@ -120,3 +120,13 @@ Fix the attachment of the Z Axis ball screw.
The Y sensor can be attached directly to the machine frame.
The Y plate must make space for the Y back bearing holder!
## Basic Info on choosing spindle power
High speed is best for materials such as aluminum, wood, composite materials, laminates, etc. When machining steel, especially stainless steel, thermoplastics or when drilling with HSS drill bits, high speed is rather not applied.
As for the power, the primary criterion is the maximum diameter of milling cutters which will be used and the materials processed with these cutters. For machining aluminum, plastic, wood or laminate with cutters up to 5mm the spindle (0.8kW 24,000 rpm) is sufficient, and accordingly cutters up to 8mm - 1kW spindle, cutters up to 12mm - 3.3kW spindle, cutters up to 16mm - 5.6kW spindle. For steel, we should primarily choose a lower rpm spindle (15,000 to 18,000 rpm) and accordingly cutters up to 10mm - 3.3kW spindle, cutters up to 12mm - 5.6kW spindle, cutters up to 16mm - 7kW spindle, cutters up to 20mm - 10kW spindle.
If you are planning to drill in steel, you always have to choose a more powerful spindle because, e.g., if you want to drill in steel with a 6mm drill at 2000rpm with the 5.6kW 18,000 rpm spindle, we have only 0.6kW at our disposal .