@@ -204,37 +204,75 @@ If you would like to test the machine, please download and install the following
#### Day 1
The first day of the workshop went through the planned schedule. In the morning the timing was pretty good, but a very long lunch break (because the absence of a close place where to eat).
The first day of the workshop went through the planned schedule.
In the morning the timing was pretty good, but a very long lunch break (because the absence of a close place where to eat).
Given the large size of the room, more than 100m2, we had quite lot of space to separate the 2 machine kits, tools and groups of people.
The organization was the following:
The organization was as follows:
- 2 machines kits were available, kit3 and kit4
- given the 10 participants we decided to build 2 machines simultaneously
- the two groups were split in two separated room areas to avoid mixing of parts and of tools
- the two groups were split in two separated room areas to avoid mixing of parts and of tools (food was in between)
- to each group the following was given:
- a dedicated set of tools
- a complete kit of machine parts (except chiller, radial fan and air filter)
- the 2 groups were divided in 2 subgorups, to allow parallel building of different machine parts
Building time was at normal speed, careful alignment of everything.
Building time was at normal speed in comparison to kids.
The groups spent more time carefully aligning the frame parts together.
We ended at the following stage:
- assembled and attached Y axis
- assembled bed
- assembled X axis
- assembled and wired electronics
- assembled and wired AC and most of the logic electronics
- assembled main frame with Y axis installed
During the day we had the following issues:
- we found some manual lack of labels or information
- we found some manual lacks of labels or information
- the separator panel was milled with wrong size (because of a shift of the piece during milling)
- solution: to cut of the additional size from the top with a cuting knife and to enlarge the holes
- one of the pulleys of the kit 3 is wobbling
- we did not had a multimeter
- we did not had all the spanner keys
- we did not had good socket keys
- M3 8mm capswrews were missing
#### Day 2
The 2nd day of the workshop required much less setup initally, letting the participants start at about 9:50AM.
There were no major issues only the following:
- missing fasteners:
- some washers M5
- M3 12mm
- some pages of the manual miss labels or they use the wrong Introduction
Important notes:
- locktite can be given in the kit, as it is going to be useful for the tightening of all the set screws (from Florian)
- belt tensioning by pulling the Y shafts is working great
- it would be better to use precise shims (from Mo)
- the laser power supply misses a reliable datsheet
- the laser minus seems to be connected to Earth
Overall the teams ganied much speed in comparison to workshops for kids, achieving a very good status of being almost ready for the calibration.