A process monitoring **Sensor** groups, expertise library, and neural network to automatically determine and correct process parameters such as cutting speed, depth and rate. Certainly, intelligent CNC machines also have motion control units that include **position sensors, rotary encoders, proximity switches, current sensors and pressure sensors** to work with process monitoring sensor group and achieve powerful function
@@ -21,13 +23,14 @@ A MEMS sensor has been installed on a CNC machine with *Fanuc controller* to mea
Among different types of temparature sensors, RTDs detect temperature of the work-piece and cutting tools so as to realize thermal shielding in order to reduce thermal deformation.
## Encoders :
Linear, rotary and angle encoders are used for feedback in CNC machine systems, communicating between the control and the respective motor. Each type of encoder monitors a different motion element of a machine depending on factors like the accuracy required and directional variety. The performance of a machine tool depends heavily on these different encoder instruments providing accurate, synchronized feedback readings.
### Angle Encoder:
Angle encoders measure the rotational relationship between two parts with extreme precision, typically of an accuracy better than ±10″ (arcseconds). These extreme levels of precision make angle encoders important in the development of multi-axis centers.
-**HEIDENHAIN** offers angle encoders with accuracy down to ± .04″ (arcseconds).
-[HEIDENHAIN](https://www.heidenhain.us/resources-and-news/encoders-for-cnc-machining-applications/) offers angle encoders with accuracy down to ± .04″ (arcseconds).
While angle encoders excel at positioning, rotary encoders are often more suited for speed control. In the machine tool industry, this makes them ideal for monitoring spindle rotation per minute (RPM)
-**Mechanical rotary encoders** are common mainly because they are so **cheap and easy** to implement. However, the necessity of metal components coming into contact with each other at **rapid speeds will inevitably result in mechanical wear**.
@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ While angle encoders excel at positioning, rotary encoders are often more suited
-**Magnetic encoders** are exceptionally suitable for tracking the speed of rotating shafts and disks. However, they cannot be used to generate data for absolute positioning. This severely limits the use cases for a magnetic encoder.
All of these cases, a rotary encoder is typically more suitable as a means for speed control. Control of spindle rotation plays many critical roles, such as in optimizing the machining process with due consideration of energy consumption and tool wear.
> All of these cases, a rotary encoder is typically more suitable as a means for speed control. Control of spindle rotation plays many critical roles, such as in optimizing the machining process with due consideration of energy consumption and tool wear.
@@ -52,3 +55,4 @@ In CNC machine monitoring case study, variety of conditions such as good/bad, we