The printed parts are divided into 2 colours - grey and red and the material used was PETG. The parts were all sliced in Prusaslicer and ther slicerprofile is attached for download.
The printed parts are divided into 2 colours - grey and red and the materials used were PETG and PLA. Below are the print profile parameters for prusa slicer, similar settings can be applied to other slicers as well.
Print Parameters:
- Print resolution: 0.2
@@ -16,13 +16,15 @@ Print Parameters:
- Fan between 0 and 70%
- Disable Fan for first 3 layers
Link to STLs can be found [here](!Ah6p09G37ekqgqwXbeFG6GvNLTksnw?e=qoBF9M)
2. Cutting profiles
The profiles can be cut with a flexcutter.
The profiles can be cut to length with a flexcutter or directly purchased to the right lengths from the vendor.
3. Cutting Enclosure Panels
The front, left, right and top enclosure panels are from acrylic and can be cut out using a laser cutter for clean edges and accurate dimensions. Alternatively, they can also be cut with hand powertools like a multicutter. The cuts are however not clean so will need more post-processing.
The front, left, right and top enclosure panels are from acrylic and can be cut out using a laser cutter for clean edges and accurate dimensions. Alternatively, they can also be cut with hand powertools like a multicutter. The cuts are however not clean so will need more post-processing. The easiest option would be to ofcourse, purchase them with the right sizes from a vendor.