The Fabulaser Mini workshop is intented as learning experience for the participants to learn about open source machine building and relative knowledge.
The Fabulaser Mini workshop is intended as learning experience for the participants to learn about open source machine building and relative knowledge.
Specifically, during the workshop participants will build ,together with experienced tutors, a laser cutter machine from a kit of parts.
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ The building of the laser cutter, among others, will let the participants unders
- how to perform laser cutter maintenance and calibration
- how to operate a laser cutter
- how to troubleshoot laser cutter problems
- the besic design techniques for laser cutting
- the basic design techniques for laser cutting
The goal of the workshop is both to build 2 working laser cutter machines, and to train the participants while doing so.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Following is the workshop agenda with approx times:
- Sunday 07.11.21:
- (9:20-9:30 - Room setup, only organizers)
- 9:30-9:40 - Gathering time
- 9:30-9:40 - Gathering time
- 9:40-9:50 - [Introduction about CO2 laserable materials](presentations/Introduction_to_CO2_Laserable_Materials.pdf)
- 9:20-9:25 - Machine parts and tools organization
- 9:25-9:30 - Daily group division
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Following is the workshop agenda with approx times:
- Monday 08.11.21:
- (9:20-9:30 - Room setup, only organizers)
- 9:30-9:40 - Gathering time
- 9:30-9:40 - Gathering time
- 9:40-9:50 - Introduction about laser cutting techniques
- 9:50-9:55 - Machine parts and tools organization
- 9:55-10:00 - Daily group division
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Following is the workshop agenda with approx times:
- Tuesday 09.11.21
- (9:20-9:30 - Room setup, only organizers)
- 9:30-9:40 - Gathering time
- 9:30-9:40 - Gathering time
- 9:40-9:50 - Introduction about Fabulaser laser safety
- 9:50-9:55 - Machine parts and tools organization
- 9:55-10:00 - Daily group division
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Following is the workshop agenda with approx times:
The following tools will be used:
- Screwdriver sets (cross, flat, small, big..)
- Hex key sets, long type, wit hrounded end
- Hex key sets, long type, wit rounded end
- Hex key sets, short type, with rounded end
- Hex key set, traditional
- Spanner key sets (from 8 till 21mm)
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ The following tools will be used:
- Pliers sets
- Electronics cutter (optional)
- Box cutter
- Wooden rulers
- Wooden rulers
- Wire strippers (optional)
- Calipers
- Engineering brackets (optional)
@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ The following consumables will be needed:
- teflon tape (included in kit)
- electrical insulation tape (optional)
- test material (light plywood, acrylic ...)
- paper tovels
- paper towels
Required protective equipment:
- electrical insulated gloves (4 pairs)
- gloggles (for all participants)
- goggles (for all participants)
- corona approved masks
- powder fire existinghuisher
- powder fire existinguisher
## Files
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ If you would like to test the machine, please download and install the following
#### Day 1
The first day of the workshop went through the planned schedule.
In the morning the timing was pretty good, but a very long lunch break (because the absence of a close place where to eat).
The first day of the workshop went through the planned schedule.
In the morning the timing was pretty good, but a very long lunch break (because the absence of a close place where to eat).
Given the large size of the room, more than 100m2, we had quite lot of space to separate the 2 machine kits, tools and groups of people.
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ The organization was as follows:
- to each group the following was given:
- a dedicated set of tools
- a complete kit of machine parts (except chiller, radial fan and air filter)
- the 2 groups were divided in 2 subgorups, to allow parallel building of different machine parts
- the 2 groups were divided in 2 subgroups, to allow parallel building of different machine parts
Building time was at normal speed in comparison to kids.
The groups spent more time carefully aligning the frame parts together.
@@ -235,16 +235,16 @@ During the day we had the following issues:
- we found some manual lacks of labels or information
- the separator panel was milled with wrong size (because of a shift of the piece during milling)
- solution: to cut of the additional size from the top with a cuting knife and to enlarge the holes
- solution: to cut of the additional size from the top with a cutting knife and to enlarge the holes
- one of the pulleys of the kit 3 is wobbling
- we did not had a multimeter
- we did not had all the spanner keys
- we did not had good socket keys
- M3 8mm capswrews were missing
- M3 8mm capscrews were missing
#### Day 2
The 2nd day of the workshop required much less setup initally, letting the participants start at about 9:50AM.
The 2nd day of the workshop required much less setup initially, letting the participants start at about 9:50AM.
The guys brought some multimeters and tools themselves.
There were no major issues only the following:
@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ Important notes:
- locktite can be given in the kit, as it is going to be useful for the tightening of all the set screws (from Florian)
- belt tensioning by pulling the Y shafts is working great
- it would be better to use precise shims (from Mo)
- the laser power supply misses a reliable datsheet
- the laser power supply misses a reliable datasheet
- the laser minus seems to be connected to Earth
Overall the teams ganied much speed in comparison to workshops for kids, achieving a very good status of being almost ready for the calibration.
Overall the teams gained much speed in comparison to workshops for kids, achieving a very good status of being almost ready for the calibration.
Those the assembled parts and tested subsystems:
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ Those the assembled parts and tested subsystems:
#### Day 3
We started the day 3 thinking we would be able to immediately start the calibration.
But in reality, the laser tube and the mirror installtion is one of the last operations, requiring a lot of different checks beforehand.
But in reality, the laser tube and the mirror installation is one of the last operations, requiring a lot of different checks beforehand.
We spent good part of the morning (till 12:00 circa), testing all the relative subsystems:
@@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ The day ended with huge efforts to move from one room to another, with issues ab
#### Day 4
The day started with checking again the calibration from the moving of yesterday. Both machine kept most of the calibration done, allowing to quickly start to test the machine motion and the firmware settings. The machine from Regenholz completed the calibration successfully during the morning, while the machine from Hofalab had the first successfull cut.
The day started with checking again the calibration from the moving of yesterday. Both machine kept most of the calibration done, allowing to quickly start to test the machine motion and the firmware settings. The machine from Regenholz completed the calibration successfully during the morning, while the machine from Hofalab had the first successful cut.
I had to go with Lennart to visit the Fab City House location, and left the workshop to my team mates, that used this time to show how to use the machine to the people. Just before leaving also the machine from Regenholz was able to cut sucessfully the first pieces.
I had to go with Lennart to visit the Fab City House location, and left the workshop to my team mates, that used this time to show how to use the machine to the people. Just before leaving also the machine from Regenholz was able to cut successfully the first pieces.
The day concluded with both machines being used to produce some predefined demos (eg logo), and with some quickly made designs, like the Fab City Hamburg logo.
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ We went all together to dinner after the workshop.
#### Day 5
During this day we sorted out the last questions and worksflows on how to use the machines. Both machines were running fine and many new designs have been cut with it. The workshop participants acquired much more knowledge about how to use the machines.
During this day we sorted out the last questions and workflows on how to use the machines. Both machines were running fine and many new designs have been cut with it. The workshop participants acquired much more knowledge about how to use the machines.