User Journey for Fab City OS and Glossary
Value Statement:
To develop the Fab City OS Vision further, we want to focus on
- User Journeys
- and defining wordings (aka Glossary)
These two things go hand in hand. Please start with the User Journey mapping. Obviously along the journey the wordings for the journey waypoints need to be solved as well.
- Start with the user’s first step or entry point into your product experience
- Add each step in the journey until the user’s goal has been reached
- Include descriptions for each step and highlight pain points along the journey
If you’re doing a Design Sprint for a new product and/or you are in the early stages of the product cycle, you may want to explore a certain use case for your product and start your journey map with the user’s initial entry point into that use case.
Andrea proposed more here:
User Journey Mapping Method
you might finde some team input in element. E.G. search for fediverse in REACT Channel.
in the wiki so far we have only little documented:
Term | Definiton |
Product Design Platform | Platform aiming to Designers, Engineers and Inventors to upload, co-create and share OSH Products |
Fab City Platform | Platform aiming to Cities becoming a Fab City and getting support in setting up their FC Organisation |
Manufacturing Platform | Companies manage their orders, materials, & manufacturing (also for repair, recycle, and modification) | |
Fediverse was an expression that was introduced and had no final agreement till now.
The Fab City OS Fediverse is an ensemble of interconnected, independent digital services that provide the core digital infrastructure for the OS. It stores and connects informations, cryptographically secures them, ensures interoperability, and provides an API for the network. by raphael
other approaches where: FC OS + Reflow OS = Fab City Stack?
You might also use Graphics for better understanding
There ist a Visual Conept Brainstorming in Miro going on which will be found here:
Acceptance Criteria:
- Document the outcome of the User Journey Mapping. This should address reasonable usecases, show the identified usecases for each product platforms.
- Document a comprehensive Glossary in the Wiki's Global Glossary
- Also technical wordings should be adressed and documented
- Definitions of wordings should be evaluated with relevant team members in advance to ensure consistency and quality