Epic: Product Requirements and Market Research
Epic User Requirements
Fab City Hamburg Association is Planing on building an economical digital eco-system called "Fab City OS" to have the whole circulation of material, digital and financial flows covered in a innovative new circular sustainable transformational approach.
We think of Fab City OS as a product we want to market. This leads to following Questions/Issues:
Business Development:
Apply Business Model Canvas
- What are potential Revenue Streams
- Who would be a customer then?
- value proposition canvas
- who are Users and customers
Apply persona method
- What are the target Groups
Lead User method
- Where lie our markets?
Partner research
- where can we go into strategic partnerships?
- what is out there that works good?
- where can we position ourselves and be the missing link in the market?
Market Research
Various testings with real people (potential users) outside our team
- test certain hypotheses/porpositions
- UI/UX ideas
- identify persons from each target group to be integrated for continouus feedback throughout the project.
Questions About the Product itself:
How about an area/page for "Learn & Innovate"?
who exactly will search or and find offerings in the landing page
To dos
- Generate User Stories out of this Epic
- Put Issues into Backlog (this repo)
More Specific Issues for Backlog (may be lables?)
[ ] Fab City Plattform Requirements
Manufacturing Platform Requirements
Product Design Platform Requirements
API Requirements
List of User- and Target-Groups
We started developing first Ideas and UIs inside a Miro Board
- Mockups: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_l6ZbxLI=/?moveToWidget=3074457363917876723&cot=10 The board is open for everyone of the team.