asynchron Design Sprint User Interface Tests
We first need the wire frames and a more complete value proposition for the products we want to build.
Value Proposition
I would like to progress in the development of Fab city OS by involving our huge community for feedback. It won't be hard to find many people who would like to test our Designs, I believe.
The huge benefit of this approach is, that we can design a Screen/Feature then make a questionnaire and then get a lot of really qualitative and quantitative feedback. I am thinking about 500* participants for each questionnaire. Saves us a lot of time!
Let's fist set the stage:
A Design Sprint is used to check, if a design approach works before you start coding. Here the community feedback is very valuable.
The Design Sprint is a proven methodology for solving problems through designing, prototyping, and testing ideas with users. Design Sprints quickly align teams under a shared vision with clearly defined goals and deliverables. Ultimately, it is a tool for developing a hypothesis, prototyping an idea, and testing it rapidly with as little investment as possible in as real an environment as possible. (
Typically you have some days and a bunch of people having post-its and a lot of creative methods. But due to covid we do it differently:
Our Appoach
- collected Insights (already done by dyne and FCHH)
- Think and Sketches solutions (quick and creatively, "lean", wireframes - tones of design methods available).
- We need to delegate specific Parts of FCOS to people internally for this.
- We design User Interface Test (with google forms) and share them.
- We have to refine some ideas until we think that it is clear what we need to code.
This whole approach should be lean and quick and agile!!!
With google forms we can do questionnaires and send them out. The way I would like to do it:
- Design Screens of FCOS with first wireframes (Shop Frontende, List of Items and many more )
- put the Wireframes in the Google Form (Only one form for one Feature, to keep it simple)
- Record some Videos where a person is speaking into the camera and is guiding the Interviewee. This can be a bunch of very small clips (nothing fancy). This should help people to really understand what we ask them for.
- We collect some basic data (who are you, ...) and then introduce a bunch of screen attached with ratings, questions, video, etc.
- Here is an example made in 2 min:
Acceptance Criteria
- think about, how we can reach many people. Talk to Jenny, make a maling list, ... whatever
- be in close contact with FCOS Dev. and Requirements and develop the first questionnaires!