Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces (represented by Dr. Tobias Redlich)
1. Vice Chair
Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli e.V. (represented by Niels Boeing)
2. Vice Chair
Süderelbe AG (represented by Dr. Jürgen Glaser)
### Board
House of All UG (represented by Sarah Prien)
HoFaLab e.V. (represented by Thierry Perret and Henner Henkel)
Regenholz GbR (represented by Fynn Schmid and René Watral)
### Treasurer
Hamburger Institut für Wissensmanagement und Wertschöpfungssystematik UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
HIWW (represented by Manuel Moritz)
### Executive Board
**Managing Chairperson:**
Karen Löhnert, Jonathan Kröger
### Association registration number (Vereinsregisternummer):
VR 24578
@@ -313,7 +297,7 @@ Fab City Hamburg e.V. is part of the global Fab City Initiative. The Fab City Fo
## Supporters
The Fab City Hamburg project is supported by the Hamburg Ministry of Economics and Innovation.
The Fab City Hamburg project is supported by the Hamburg Ministry of Economics and Innovation and the Hamburg Ministry of Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture.