Footer Component
Although the Sitemap structure is not 100% approved yet, let's start with the footer design development. Afaik 5-column-design is fixed. Raphaels @haus approach is that the mobile menu and the mobile footer work in the same way/design. The Footer Navigation is not the 1:1 sitemap. The footer can be freely arranged from all existing pages. Also the footer is always fully open in desktop as well as in mobile viewports. The design represents the sitemap and has a simple "index-style-design" and mobile behaviour: Top level items (Fab City Hamburg, Network, Projects ...) are shown in the first place expand on tap and show the second level items (pages). So the navigation menu and the footer have the same source technically.
Component Design Figma
Page Preview Figma
Acceptance criteria
- Can click footer Links and get to pages
- Can use the Newsletter Subscription
Can edit the Menu at one place to update Top Navigation and Footer at the same time
- Can freely edit/arrange the columns content and naming of the footer menu items from all existing pages
Develop Mobile Footer -
Develop Desktop Footer