from pieter hiejma:
we have to define a set of assumptions, also in relation with req 2: how can the design passport reference it
The kickoff meeting discussion with Andrea and Adam was very useful for my understanding: I think we can assume a git repository, structured in a way that satisfies whatever we decide on req 1.
We can reference a specific commit and Andrea and Adam suggested that each commit will be signed by the designer to make sure that each contribution on the design is counted.
This raises the questions how we should sign these contributions, do we want PGP or does FabCityOS provide a way to sign and resolve identities. I guess so.
Req 3 is easy: we just decide that the repo has a picture.
I propose (for version 0.1) because we don't have a fully documented openlab starterkit repo yet:
req 1: Choose a standard, such as OKH or the DIN spec, or use an existing well documented repo
For later versions, we have to discuss with Daniele and Mohammed (can someone invite them into software/ so I can reference them?)
req 2: Discuss with @Adam-Dyne and Andrea and @jaromil how the design passport will reference it. Probably the easiest is to rely on a git repo and track commits. Indeed identity and how commits are assigned needs to be resolved. Perhaps interesting to present the problem of attaching value to a commit on a design to Lynn and/or Bob in the main group. (As an example, what is the value of a commit that changes a typo vs. one that give a new fancy feature).
req 3: No problem at all, we simply define that it requires (a set of) picture(s).
Since we don't have a fully documented openlab starterkit example yet, I propose to use (for version 0.1) the repo LibreSolar from @mikelovic as a blueprint for the standard of OSH documentation.
Raphael Hauschanged title from Draft OSH Documentation Standard for Fab City OS 0.1 to OSH Documentation Standard for Fab City OS 0.1
changed title from Draft OSH Documentation Standard for Fab City OS 0.1 to OSH Documentation Standard for Fab City OS 0.1